There are two types of Regulars: the Good, and the Bad. The Good Regulars are every sales clerk's dream come true. They're in the store often enough to know their way around, but they still appreciate our offer of assistance. They ask thoughtful questions, genuinely listen to our answers, and are often sources of pleasant conversation on a regular basis. You may not know them by name, but you're always happy to see them walk through the doors.
Then there are the Bad Regulars. These are the ones that everyone in the store knows by name, by sight, and by reputation, and everyone has a story to share. They are the customers most likely to acquire nicknames (I'm talking about you, Batman), and the ones who cause you to breathe a little sigh of relief once they walk out the doors.
The Bad Regulars are quick to remind you that they're in the store all the time, and attempt to use that to their advantage. They expect you to bend over backwards and violate store policy to cater to their every whim, and believe threatening to take their business elsewhere is actually a threat. And if that fateful day finally arrives when they declare you have lost a valuable customer and swear to never set foot in the store again, don't get your hopes up too high: they always come back.
While the Bad Regulars can often overshadow the Good, in the end the best we can do is appreciate our favorite customers and hope for more of them. And then continue commiserating with our colleagues.
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